Huntington Central Park

Huntington Central Park

Huntington Central Park




August 8, 2014

A few months ago I shot two of my very first prom sessions ever and it reminded me how wonderfully exciting it felt to be approaching my last few weeks as a senior in high school. I seriously can’t believe it’s been 20 years since I was swarming through the halls of Artesia High School […]

July 26, 2014

It’s funny how my high school days seem like they just happened yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like eons ago that I was that carefree teenager worried only about college applications and what to wear to the football game ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh to be young again! Well a few months ago right before […]

September 16, 2010

She lives numbers, he breathes music. And together, their love is … the perfection equation … the perfect song … the perfect. Everything. On a single day in March of 1986, two separate families welcomed new babies into their lives. One a beautiful baby girl by the name of Renee, the other an adorable baby […]