Happy Birthday 18th Birthday Cheyenne, I Love You
Dear Cheyenne,
There must be some mistake, there’s no way you could possibly be 18 years old. It feels like I just felt you kicking in my belly just yesterday and yet I feel like I’ve loved you my entire life. You are a young woman now, I can’t believe it how quickly the years have gone by, and through it all, you have always made me so proud to be your mom.
There was a time when I only knew you as that wiggle in my tummy and I was scared to be such a young mom. Everyone was worried that because I was so young, having a baby would throw my life off track. Little did I know the day you came into the world, life would only become better. Although being a single-parent mom who at times also had to play the role of dad was really tough, I think that you were a blessing that only made me work harder and become a stronger person all these years. There are so many things I’ve learned about myself and life in general because of you. Most of all, that I should never give up on my hopes, my dreams and my goals even when there are doubts. Whenever I wanted to give up, you always gave me that crazy look of disgust, which meant I needed to get it together fast LOL. And on those days when I am feeling lazy or tired, you never hesitated to jump in, look at my to-do list and become my stringent office manager who demands that I get to editing my work or photos ASAP … thank you boss 🙂
I love you more than you could ever know, even on the days you act like you don’t hear me when I ask you to wash the dishes or walk Marnie. Even then, when I want to take a blowhorn and poke it in your ear and scream, I love you LOL. You have grown up so quickly and on those days when I look up at you — yes, because sadly you are now towering over me — I can’t believe my little mini-me that I used to drag to USC with a bag full of coloring books and fruit snacks, is now off to start college and speeding away from our house like she’s Danica Patrick. Slow down lady, you have a lot of driving ahead of you and remember hands at 10 and 2, not one hand at 6 … and the gansta lean is only for rap videos, trust me.
In the past few months, you have graduated from high school *with honors* (WOOT WOOT), gotten your driver’s license (slow down and see above paragraph LOL), and also went to prom (HURRAY for being home at 1 a.m., good girl!). I know it’s been a busy and fun time for you and I hope you have enjoyed this very exciting summer of yours — you have a lot to be proud of, because you’ve dome a great job with all these accomplishment so far. But time to get ready for this new phase in your life, which will no doubt challenge you, make you lose sleep (yep, college is hard!), and you may at times encounter tears (because boys can be crazy sometimes hahaahah). These next few years wont be easy, but I have no doubt you will come out on top, and all through the way, I will be here to still hold your hand and cheer you on. Because I’m your #1 fan 🙂
So on this day when you enter the world of adulthood, just know that I will always be here for you to give you advice, hugs, kisses and take naps with you … oh and go on our random afternoon shopping trips 🙂 And even when I get mad that you’ve put on a stain on my favorite top, lost my sweater/jacket, or stupidly wore my size 7 Uggs when you wear a size 9.5 and now they are stretched out (UGH, still mad at you for that one) … I love you. Although I have to admit, I am REALLY happy we don’t wear the same shoe size because if you messed up my beloved non-stretchable shoes, I might have to dropkick you hahaahaha.
So take this new step in the next phase of your life knowing just how much Daddy and I love you. I know you will be a huge success in college and a wonderful NICU nurse. And always remember, we are so very proud of you.
Love you lots,
P.S. You know I gotta post some photos 🙂 Even the ones that might embarrass you hahaha!
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We were in Akumal, MX during Cheyenne’s 18th birthday, but our awesome wedding planner Jen Smith who happens to also own Turtle Bay Cafe in Akumal (and has also coordinated/catered both weddings we’ve shot in Akumal ever since) surprised her with this beautiful platter of tres leches cupcakes — they were. TO. DIE. FOR!!!
And now for a blast of the past of my love bug!!!!Prom night 2013 🙂
Graduation night!!! WOO HOO Class of 2013 Artesia High Pioneers 🙂
Her legendary “black-n-white” New York themed graduation party 🙂
Lovely Peoples! 🙂