New York Wedding Photographer

New York Wedding Photographer

New York Wedding Photographer




May 7, 2011

The strange thing about wedding photography is that it’s sort of an addiction, in that once you’ve shot a wedding, you immediately crave your next opportunity to shoot. Perhaps it’s the delicious beauty of it all — the flowers, the fancy clothes, the lovely hues of colors, the music, the heartfelt laughter, the incredible venues, […]

April 26, 2011

This past Saturday, Tommy and I had the honor of documenting a very special Wedding celebration for Marylou + Alain — a wonderful couple whom we first met at the end of last year. From the moment we chatted with them over drinks at Starbucks, there was one thing that was simply evident . . […]

April 21, 2011

If you are a fan of my Facebook Photography Business Page or a friend on my personal Facebook page, you’ve probably come to realize a couple things about me over the past week … 1) I ate my way through New York City like nobody’s business, which is probably why my jeans are currently too […]

April 18, 2011

These past few days in New York City have been a whirlwind full of delicious food, up and down weather, tons of walking but most of all, amazing and wonderful people that have crossed our paths. Emphasis on *amazing* On Friday, Tommy and I met up with the Palustre family who drove from New Jersey […]

April 16, 2011

Lessons learned today: New York City is an amazing place that is buzzing with life on every corner! I feel so alive here and while everyone is movin a million miles a minute, it makes me wanna be a mover and a shaker too ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sadly, I’ve also realized that as a California girl I’ve […]