Dominican Republic wedding

Dominican Republic wedding

Dominican Republic wedding




June 21, 2012

I almost feel like I’ve been living out of a suitcase lately, with trips back home in between. Am I complaining? Nope! Traveling is what fuels my spirit and if I had it my way, the rest of my life would be an endless but thrilling journey around the world with my camera in tow […]

May 19, 2012

I remember it like it was yesterday. It had been almost a year since I posted my first photography bucket list and when I got her email Tommy and I were out eating dim sum. My eyes grew watery and my heart slowly began to flutter as I read through her words … plans for […]

August 1, 2010

I’m a true believer that love and laughter go hand in hand … like peanut butter and jelly, hugs and kisses, bees and honey, Magic and Kareem … when you have love and laughter it just clicks … like Rebecca and DeSean, it’s meant to be. Rebecca + DeSean’s wedding was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Every special moment  […]