

Apr 29, 2010

It Should be a Crime to Look This Good ~ Priscilla + Drew || Bridal Photography

I honestly think everyone is born with a unique quality in them that makes them beautiful, but not everyone knows how to take their fabulousness by the reigns and *ROCK IT*. A few weeks back I got the chance to shoot a couple who took beauty by the horns like a wild bull, tamed its unruliness and simply schooled it in Dr. Dolittle fashion. Need evidence?

Meet Priscilla + Drew, my gorgeous couple of the day …

I know right? It really should be a felony to look this good.

But top all this pair’s loveliness with the most exquisite venue in San Juan Capistrano, some amazing decor and details, the most heavenly light to embrace their undeniable connection like a halo, and you’ve got … dreamy perfection.

And when the light hits Priscilla’s playful gaze, which triggers the smooth sparkle in Drew’s eyes … it is simply M.A.G.I.C. Oh and did I fail to mention that Priscilla wore a Vera Wang wedding gown? Yes, she was indeed beyond perfect* (I couldn’t haven taken a bad picture even if I tried … trust me, it is impossible!)

Before I share the rest of the images, I would be remiss if I didn’t give *KUDOS* to all the insanely talented people who helped make this fabulous day possible:

~ First and foremost, much love and appreciation to the incredible photography duo of Gavin and Erin Wade, whose passion for what they do and generous spirit allowed me to be a part of this wonderful day! I honestly think the love they share for each other somehow weaves its way into their amazing images. You two are truly a gift to those who’ve met you and I am forever grateful for your sincere willingness to help newbies with an eagerness to learn like me 🙂

~ Location: Maison des Oliviers

~ Rentals: Classic Party Rentals

~ Decor and Accessories: Gianna San Filippo with Chic Celebrations and Tuvalu Home

~ Floral Arrangements: Desdemonia Gilbert (

~ Menswear: Mission Viejo Tax

~ Bridal Gown: Vera Wang via One Night Affair

~ Hair & Makeup: Maria Longhi

~ Photographer and SEO Rockstar: Paul Von Rieter

And on that note, bear witness to a couple who should be locked up for at least 90 days for simply looking this good 🙂 Brad and Angelina, who? Brangelina, EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!

If you’d like to view the entire set of Priscilla + Drew’s session click here!



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  1. Jackie says:

    Um… HELL-OOOOOO!!! Are these even real people?! GORGEOUS!!! What a great opportunity MS! I’m blown away!!! Love ’em 🙂

  2. Great Job MarieSam! Love it! 🙂

  3. Navy Sou says:

    FABULOUS darlin’! I cannot wait to see how much more fierce you will be at your full potential! Watch out world!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MarieSam Sanchez. MarieSam Sanchez said: My latest photoblog: It Should be a Crime to Look This Good ~ Priscilla and Drew – […]

  5. msam007562 says:

    thanks Navy! i hope to learn something new everytime I go out and get better as time goes by, that’s the plan at least 🙂

  6. msam007562 says:

    thank you doll! i think we got lucky though, these two were a dream to shoot 🙂

  7. msam007562 says:

    thanks Jackie, they are way too lovely aren’t they?

  8. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! What a beautiful couple. Looks like a magazine spread.

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