

May 10, 2010

From Me to You, Just Because ~ My First Photography Giveaway

Photo Credit: Manning Pham

In honor of flowers blooming cliffside on warm spring days and gorgeous sunsets that make my heart smile, I am excited to announce my very first Photography Giveaway!!!

HOW TO ENTER: Anyone who joins my Facebook Photography page or subscribes to my blog (if you haven’t done either of the two already) AND leaves a comment between May 10th and May 24th on any of my blog posts — old or new — will be entered into a drawing for a FREE 1-hour session with me *HOLLA* But commenting is the key soooooo …. the more you comment on any of my blog posts, the more times you will be entered in the drawing. So spread the love and comment, comment, comment!!!

WHAT YOU WIN: Your free session can be ANY of the following … Individual, Child/Newborn, Pet, Family (up to 4 people), Boudoir (not including hotel fees), Senior/Graduate, Maternity, Anniversary, Couples, or Engagement. The session can take place at the location of your choice in Los Angeles or Orange counties and your session credit is good for up to one year.

And if you don’t live in the area, no worries! You can either … a) gift it to someone who lives or is visiting So Cal (if you’re local you can gift the session to someone elseΒ too!), b) come visit me and we can party!!, or c) send me a plane ticket, I will visit you and we can party *woo hoo* (And I promise I won’t photograph/facebook/blog our craziness, unless of course you want me to, hehehe)

THE EXTRA LOVE: Along with your free session you will also receive …

– teasers posted on my blog within three days from the date of our session

– at least 30 to 40 edited images on a full-resolution disc within two weeks from the date of our session

– a free print package that includes: one 8×10, one 5×7, and one 3.5×5 of your favorite photos

– an online gallery to share with family and friends so you can order prints, canvases, albums, etc. (although there is no obligation to buy anything)

– a super fun time with me! And I promise to make you laugh, at least 7.3 times πŸ˜€

Photo Credit: AndyArt Photography

ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNER: I will announce the winner of my Spring Giveway during a random video drawing that I will post on my blog on May 26th. And I promise not to leave you in suspense like American Idol by taking awkward pauses or random commercial breaks, HA, although you know it would be quite funny if I did! Hmmmmmm…….. πŸ™‚

WHY AM I DOING THIS? Some may wonder why I’m already giving stuff away when this photography adventure of mine has just begun, well the bottom line is … capturing special moments in time or the essence of someone’s being simply makes me happy. I think everyone deserves to have a nice photograph taken of them at least every once in a while, and if the simple snap of my camera can give someone a memory that last a lifetime … then damn it, I’m gonna do it!

And for my dear husband who incessantly complains that I always wanna give stuff away, or in his exact words …”Why are you always tryin to give up the farm?!?!” My response is .. Baby my love affair with giving is just another unique part of me to embrace — much like my abnormally cold feet, lol. Plus who cares about “the farm” we’re not the farm-type anyways πŸ˜‰ *love you*

So there you have it, all the deets on my Spring Giveaway! I have no clue if anyone will even enter this contest or read this post for that matter, but I truly hope I get the opportunity to give this special gift to someone!!! *fingers crossed while I’m doin the moonwalk*

Photo Credit: KalaideCam Photography



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  1. Jackie says:

    OOOOO!!! Sounds like fun for a lucky, lucky winner!!!

  2. Jess says:

    Great contest MarieSam!!! I’m still in awe that you are just beginning your photography journey…your pics are amazing

  3. msam007562 says:

    Thank you Jess! Your support as I go on this journey means a lot to me ~ if your name ends up being drawn, perhaps I’ll end up photographing you and Paul on your anniversary πŸ™‚ That would be *awesome*

  4. msam007562 says:

    Thanks Jackie!!! You’re my girl and maybe you’ll end up as the lucky winner for a Cali visit session πŸ™‚

  5. Erica says:

    Hi MarieSam!

    This is a very cool blog and contest! Your photos look great! πŸ™‚

    -Erica Frazier

  6. Bree says:

    Luv Luv Luv your new site and wish you all the best!! Your photography looks great and I know you will be successful while having fun and snapping up life’s memorable moments! Yay for MarieSam Sanchez Photography :o)

  7. Thanks for the compliment!! Getting to do a photo shoot would be fun…I will start my diet today LOL!!!

  8. Linda Yi says:

    Beautiful pictures! Heard about this from Cass πŸ™‚

  9. Karina K says:

    What a fun giveaway! I NEVER win things like this but worth a try!

  10. Holly says:

    I would travel for your amazing photography. So many of BDW is doing such wonderful work and I am in love with all of it!

  11. msam007562 says:

    You’re a sweetie, thanks so much for your support!!

  12. msam007562 says:

    It’s always worth a try!!! You could get lucky πŸ™‚

  13. msam007562 says:

    Thank you Linda, you just may be the lucky winner !

  14. msam007562 says:

    Thanks girl!!! I appreciate the love πŸ™‚

  15. msam007562 says:

    Thanks Erica!!!

  16. Denise says:

    you take beautiful pictures!

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